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Message regarding the wider opening of school from Ms Ahmed

8 June 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
I am writing to give you an update on the wider opening of school.
Today the director of Public Health England for Lancashire has recommended that schools in Lancashire DO NOT RE-OPEN MORE WIDELY FOR YR, Y1 AND Y6 CHILDREN FROM 15 JUNE so Walverden Primary School will still only be open for vulnerable children and children of key workers.
The reasons for the decision are;-
• Lancashire and the North West have a high number of cases compared to the rest of the country.
• Although the weekly death count in Lancashire is declining, this is not a consistent decline and, in recent weeks, there has been an increase.
• It is widely reported that the ‘R’ value for the North West is above 1.
• The local ‘track and trace’ needs to be properly embedded.
This will be reviewed again next Monday by the Governors and by Lancashire Authority as to whether it will be safe to open more widely on the 22 June. I will be in touch again if there is any further information to share.
Thankyou to all of you for being so supportive and continuing to work with us to help keep our community safe.
Take care and stay safe,
Ms Ahmed