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School Absence

Success and progress at school depend on regular attendance. Lateness or frequent half or whole day absences impair a child's progress and fosters a poor attitude towards school. As a school we have a target that the Government expects us to reach. We are aiming for 95% attendance but we cannot achieve this without your help and support.


1)  We would ask you to arrange medical or dental appoints outside of school hours or during lunchtime breaks. However, we are aware this may not always be possible. If a child has a medical appointment during school hours, parents should notify school in advance by letter, email, telephone call or personal visit. An adult must collect any child leaving school for such an appointment.


 2) Please remember that the main reason for absence is illness. If your child is absent please inform school by 9:30 am, at the latest. We operate a first day response system where we will contact you if your child is absent and you have not contacted school. To minimise unauthorised absences you are also asked to send a note in to explain the reason.

Our registers are inspected in school and any concerns are referred to the Pupil Attendance Support Team (PAST) who will discuss any problems regarding attendance with those parents concerned.

The headteacher cannot authorise any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances which will need to be evidenced by the parent. A meeting with the headteacher will be required and a fine will be issued by the court officer if not authorised by the headteacher


Please find the document from Public Health England that the school follows in regard to illnesses and infections that children may suffer. Public Health England exists to protect and improve the nation's health and wellbeing.  Please have a look it you are unsure about what to do with your child should they be suffering from a illness.  If you are still unsure then please contact the school.

