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Parents and Pupils Voice

In this section you will find information and summaries of any questionnaires/surveys that parents complete.  We will also use this section of the website to describe how we are taking actions to continue to improve the school as a result of listening to your views.  Thank you to all parents who take the time to complete any surveys and questionnaires.

Year 6 Leavers Interviews

At the end of Year 6 we speak to all of our pupils about their experience at Walverden. We then use this information to inform our future actions within the school. We would like to share some of the comments that our Yr6 pupils said to us in July 2018.


    Does the school ‘live’ it’s Mission Statement? 

  • Love  is shown through good friendships and helping each other e.g buddies to younger children.

  • Respect – people show respect to each other; when there is upset it is sorted out quickly and effectively.

  • Everyone does his/her best to 'live' the Statement within the school.


    What will you miss most about Walverden ?

  • Friends, teachers and the great atmosphere; it is a great place

  • We will be sorry to go and leave everyone and to be the youngest in the school again at the high school.

    What advice would you give someone starting at Walverden in KS2

  • Be yourself and do your best.

  • Listen and show respect to everyone.

Autumn 23 Parents Evening Survey

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey that we carried out in the Autumn Term Parents Evening. We will use the feedback in order to continue to work with you all on ensuring that Walverden can be the best that it can for your children. 

We will be carrying further surveys out throughout this year for you to continue to have input in to school life at Walverden.
