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Growth Mindset with the Learning Champions

September 30th Learning Champion message to the school community.

Kindness is pulling somebody up if they've been knocked down.

Our Learning Champions sharing another positive message this week.

If you think positively, good things will happen.


The Learning Champions have created their brain break videos for you all to use.

Check them out here.

The Learning Champions have been talking about their favourite quotes  about using the growth mindset ideas.

Hamzah said "Think of another strategy if you are finding your work hard."


Taybah said "Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before."


Anayah said "Success may take some time and effort."


Adam said "I always say to myself, what can I do to improve?"

Please continue to think about your ability to learn.  Well done everyone, we are so proud of all of you.
Here is the message from our fantastic Learning Champions. 