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School Council

What is a school council?

A school council is group of students who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school.


What does the council do?

The school council does a number of things:

Our school council meets, with a teacher present - to discuss and sort out problems. These may include school fundraising, littering around school and safe parking.

Members of the school council are responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed, such as planning competitions, organising fun nights and film nights.


What are the aims of the school council?

To make sure that our school is a safe and happy place for all our children.

To have a safe place where children can voice their concerns.

To encourage all children in the school to suggest improvements.

To ensure any suggestions or concerns are listened to and acted upon.


What makes our school council a good one?

A good school council is one that represents the views of all students and gets things done. To raise any ideas or concerns children are asked to place any suggestions in the boxes. All our children have access to the suggestion boxes.


These are some things that make our school council effective:

Regular meetings- arriving on time. 

A council that is not too big (20 members)

Listen and show respect to each other. 

Make decisions among themselves.   

Good communication between representatives and their class



What has our school council done- 2022-2023

Last year, the School Council made an impact on making Walverden Primary an even better place to go to school. 

We have: 


  • Held elections to vote for a new School Council.
  • Set up weekly meetings.
  • Promoted our 1p collection for Pendleside Hospice.
  • Provided new suggestion boxes. 
  • Asked parents not to park on the yellow zig zag lines.
  • Promoted our clothes recycling bin. 
  • Bought cakes and biscuits to celebrate National Teaching Assistant and Teacher Day.
  • Hosted an amazing family fun night.
  • Arranged a whole school picnic to celebrate the King's Coronation.
  • Toy and Easter Egg raffles. 
  • Took part in the Great Spring Clean.




Our Aim for 2023-2024

Walverden will again, elect some hard working and dedicated members to the council this year, which will lead to us great achievements.

The school, the School Council and the pupils will work as one to help each other reach our school vision;

to dream, to believe and to achieve.

